Meet Kayla & Sophie

Kayla is a Yoga & Meditations Teacher | Sophie is a Keith's Cacao Practitioner & DNA Theta Healer

Soul fragments reunited to combine magic and create a movement of powerful and conscious men & women ready and committed to their expansion, their growth, their healing journeys and discovery of self.

We met at one of Kayla’s women’s circles after building a relationship online bonding over our businesses

When we first met we knew there was something special there and like if it had already happened in another lifetime we started to plan women’s events and working together in our visions and future scripting

By the time we came together and actually said “hey… you wanna do this?” It was already a full body yes and from here we started to birth a magical movement.

Are you holding onto shame or pain around your body that is stopping you from stepping into your own unique light? Do you need support to transmute and shift stagnant energy?

Do you find you struggle to connect with yourself and others now that you are shifting your perspective or shifting into chapter of your life?

Do you struggle to carve time out of your day to give back to yourself? Then do you struggle to drop in and fully be present when you do?

Do you crave to feel seen and heard? Do you ever find yourself in situations when you go unseen?

Do you often find yourself in situations that non longer ignite your soul. Do you feel like your life could have more purpose?

Do you find it uncomfortable to express and be seen in your vulnerability, sensuality, and intimacy? is this holding you back from creating deeper connections?

Do you struggle to set and voice clear boundaries with yourself and others leaving you feeling depleted? 

Are you ready to put yourself first and invest in creating an abundant and aligned life?

Claim your space now!!!

Note please refer to pricing list for individual content within 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 9 month course.